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Tag Archives: Mobile Tire Repair

How long does a car have to sit before tires go bad?

How long does a car have to sit before tires go bad?

When your car sits unused for an extended period, it's important to consider the impact on your tires. Neglecting tire maintenance during prolonged inactivity can lead to various problems, including flat spotting, tire bubbles, and deterioration. Flat spotting, which causes vibrations while driving, can occur in as little as thirty days of inactivity. Tire bubbles, which can be a safety hazard and increase the risk of a blowout, can also develop. Additionally, extended periods of inactivity can lead to tire deterioration and dry rot due to the weight of the vehicle and exposure to the sun. Key Takeaways: Neglecting tire maintenance during prolonged inactivity can result in flat spotting, tire bubbles, and deterioration. Flat spotting, causing vibrations while driving, can occur within thirty days of inactivity. Tire bubbles can be dangerous and increase the risk of a blowout. Extended periods of inactivity can lead ... read more

Why are there so many flat tires in Phoenix?

Why are there so many flat tires in Phoenix?

Are you tired of dealing with flat tires in Phoenix? You're not alone. The scorching heat and extreme temperatures in the city contribute to a high number of flat tires on the roads. Understanding the causes of this common issue is crucial for every driver in Phoenix. The intense heat in Phoenix puts excessive pressure on tires, leading to premature failure and blowouts. This problem becomes even more prevalent during the summer months when temperatures soar and Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect. As a result, drivers often find themselves stranded on the roadside, in need of assistance with their flat tires. But why is Phoenix particularly susceptible to flat tires? The answer lies in the combination of the hot desert climate and the condition of the roads. The extreme heat causes the air inside the tires to expand, which increases pressure and puts stress on the rubber. Additionally, rough or poorly maintained roads with debris and potholes contribute to faster tire wear and ... read more

How much can a tire be repaired?

How much can a tire be repaired?

When it comes to repairing a tire, there are limitations based on the type and extent of the damage. The Tire Industry Association sets guidelines for tire repairs, including limitations on puncture repairs and maximum injury sizes for different types of tires. A proper puncture repair involves removing the tire from the rim, drilling out the damage, buffing the inner liner, filling the injury with a vulcanized rubber stem, and reinforcing and sealing the repair from the inside with a repair unit. Certain types of injuries, such as punctures larger than 1/4" in passenger tires or 3/8" in steel belted truck tires, sidewall damage, damage from running flat or under inflated, and excessive tread wear, cannot be safely repaired. It's important to take your vehicle to a reputable tire care professional for assessment and repair. Key Takeaways: Tire repair is subject to limitations based on the type and extent of damage. The Tire Ind ... read more

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Mobile Tire Service

Getting new tires on your car, or fixing your existing tires, can be a pain in the butt. It usually requires you to take time off from work, drive or tow your car to the tire shop, wait around for your car to get serviced, or go find something to do while you wait. Well guess what? Those days are long gone. Now you can get your tires replaced or serviced in the comfort of your driveway, work parking lot, or any place you desire. Introducing LugWrench Heroes—a new kind of tire service. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider mobile tire repair the next time you need your tires serviced. 1.) It’s convenient: Don’t feel like leaving the house to get your tires replaced? Heck, don’t feel like leaving your PJs? We’ve got your covered. Not only do we make getting serviced easy, our user-friendly website lets you research new tires and select which ones you’d like. OR, if you’d prefer, you can call or text one of our friendly tire ... read more